Debbie's Reality

Debbie's Reality - Enjoy the musings and the thoughts of the day. Living happens within each moment.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thinking of Being ... Rash

If I were younger, I just might do something about the way I'm feeling.  Something rash.  Something some would say was stupid.  But I'D DO SOMETHING.  Conviction needs feet that move.

But instead, because I'm tired and because my feet hurt and my lower back is aching, I am having a rum and coke.  Not bad for week old coke.  I am hoping it will numb the mind, but instead I feel real alert.  My mind feels like it's in drive.  I wish it would slow down and stop for awhile.

Instead, I weigh the options, and I play the waiting game.  Waiting is not always bad because the emotion always passes.  One thing I have discovered in these last dozen years or so is that waiting is good.  Waiting and moving within a certain space are okay.  Tough decisions don't have to be made all at once or in the heat of the moment or even in the middle of a glass of rum.

So, I'll do what I am good at, I wait.

I don't know what I will see though.

Only time and space will tell.

In the meantime, I drink my rum and coke and listen to my daughter upstairs respond to the tv show she is watching....  maybe Little Bear did something funny; or maybe she doesn't like what Franklin and his friends did.  Again, time and space, and I'm not in her time 
and space, even though she is in my space watching the tv.

I know 'better days ahead' as my grandfather Aubrey used to say from time to time.

He never seemed to let anything get him down and he bore his burden well whatever that might have been for he never said what troubled him or weighed him down.

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