Debbie's Reality

Debbie's Reality - Enjoy the musings and the thoughts of the day. Living happens within each moment.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Slugs and Sunshine

Beautiful day for a walk.
Beautiful morning for a walk.
6:50 am.

The sun is shining brightly.

The slugs are transmigrating.  Lots of them on one part of the road.

The sun was beautiful through the trees.  Not much traffic.  I walk on a secondary, quieter road through the village.

Little Bird Library on my way is opened any time of the day or night.

All's quiet here in this peaceful place. 

Potholes, potholes, potholes.  Soon to be gone though.

Boot Island lays there sunning herself.  Seventy years ago a family lived on that island.  Babies were born there.  They farmed the land.  It used to be attached to the mainland but the tides washed over the land so that at high tide, she became an island.  They moved off the land as a result.

Newly paved.  Nice for walking.  Looking towards Hortonville and Grand Pre.

Maple seeds.  Waiting.


Looking at part of the village.

Shadows on the way home.

Cat drinking at puddle before darting away.

View on the way home.

Looking across to North Grand Pre.

Home stretch.

My little garden.  Well saturated with all the rain we've been getting this past week.

Pumpkin patch in the back where the stakes are planted.

Beautiful Saturday.


Filled with hope and sunshine.

Have a wonderful day.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Flippin' My Friday

Fridays come and Fridays go.  Already it's supper time here.  After 6 pm.

We had a usual day.  School for child.  Work for dh. 

And then me. 

I chauffeured child to school.  Missed the bus.  Child is ready for summer vacation.

I took my 60+ minute walkabout through three little villages.

I changed the bed linens on two beds.  Tidied up the kitchen which means I washed dishes and put them away, and emptied out the dishwasher.

I rested a little as I haven't been feeling quite up to snuff this week.  I don't know if it's the weather being so bloomin' dreary and drizzly and grey all week, or what.

I took a look at my little vegetable garden in between the rain this week.  I am so excited to see progress.  Too much rain is not good.  Seeds and transplants need the sun, too.

I entertained a guest this afternoon around the time child got home from school.  It is always nice to connect after long periods of not.

Ordinary day.  Yes.

Even boring and dull.


I know that there are children in the world who brighten up my day and who are lights in this dreary world.

They are the children and adults at Kalinovka orphanage in Ukraine.  I think of them everyday and I think of the people I've come to know through the internet who are making a difference in their lives.

I mention again Maya's Hope and Reece's Rainbow.  Lights in the darkness.  I have come to realize that Happy Child Foundation in Ukraine also is another light in their lives. 

There are umpteen individuals who make it their goal to visit the orphanages in Ukraine to offer assistance through their presence to these children.  I like to call this Presence Theology.  God present.  Being like God to the children and adults who live and work at the orphanage.

Others who advocate for them in their own countries both in North America and Europe.

Lights all!!!

God love them all!!!

I know that when I see these children's faces (and the youth and adults, too), I see the face of God.  Every one of them has God in them.  Everyone of them!!!  When I see them, I know I am experiencing something of the love of God and the presence of God.

They are lights to me lighting my path and my life and making it a bit better simply because God has made herself known through them, and has chosen to show me.  God is present in each and everyone of them.

On dreary Fridays and any other day of the week, let us be happy people when we realize that those with good and loving hearts live in this world with us.  Those who need us and those who respond to the need are God being present with us.  Loving hearts.  Good hearts one and all.

Happy weekend everyone!!!

May your souls be rocked and blessed as you experience God in the ordinary and in the unexpected because it's so very ordinary.

Do you see God?  I do.