Debbie's Reality

Debbie's Reality - Enjoy the musings and the thoughts of the day. Living happens within each moment.

Friday, December 30, 2011

On the 6th Day of Christmas

The sixth day of Christmas brought us back home after visiting away for a couple of days.

I love the beauty and the splendor of the season.

Christmas is my favourite time of the year.  I love the lights on the Christmas tree and on the houses round about.

It's festive and delightful and busy and pretty and all those good things that bring us joy and contentment.

I am glad I am alive to celebrate.  I am glad I have loved ones who care about me and who look out for me.

I am very thankful for this time of the year.

I look forward to a quiet new year's.  The Christmas season was very tiring.

I have not made any resolutions.  They only get broke anyways.

I have determined to make some changes without calling them resolutions.  I will do my best to be my best.

That's all I can ask of myself.

I think we'll do some appetizers and wine along with a girls' movie like Cinderella tomorrow night.

What are your plans?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Twelve Days of Christmas

We celebrate twelve days of Christmas even though many people think Christmas is over after Boxing Day is done.  I suppose it is.

But I for one realize there are twelve days to the Christmas season.  It was a gradual dawning over the years.  I am happy that there are twelve days to Christmas before we enter into other church seasons.

The preparation for the festivities and the cooking and baking which spanned a week is always worth it.

This year I managed to get less sleep and I felt that lack of beauty sleep immensely as we celebrated on Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

Christmas Eve was quiet and peaceful and busy.  Santa arrived around midnight.  Everyone made it onto his good list.

I plan to enjoy the next ten days of Christmas.  It will be low keyed compared to the last two days.

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me a porcupine in a pine tree.  On the second day, he gave me two caribou.

The third day... 3 beaver tails;
The 4th day ... 4 calling moose;
the 5th day ... 5 Stanley cups;
the 6th day ... 6 squirrels curling;
the 7th day ... 7 sled dogs sledding;
the 8th day ... 8 Mounties munching;
the 9th day ... 9 loons canoeing;
the 10th day ... 10 Leafs a-leaping;
the 11th day ... 11 puffins piping;
the 12th day ... 12 cubs a-dancing.

from the book À Porcupine in a Pine Tree: A Canadian 12 Days of Christmas by Helaine Becker and illustrated by Werner Zimmermann.

May your Christmas season be bountiful and full of peace.  May it bring you joy and happiness from the bottom of your socks to the crown of your head.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday Finishes

Today is the end of school until the new year.  Many things are beginning to close down only to start again in the new year.

I've noticed in the last couple of weeks that there have been a couple of significant deaths in my general community where I grew up and a couple others throughout the year.  At the same time, I know of at least four women who have had or are having babies.  One baby is due on Christmas day.

It's that time of the year again.  The Spirit of Christmas is catching on I think.

It's my favourite time of the year.  Christmas is always a special time with the cooking and baking; the cleaning and tidying; the unpacking of the ornaments and decorations to carefully and lovingly set them up for about two weeks in all; and the festivities in the community from school concerts to church services.

It's also been a time I've been thinking of mortality and the swiftness of life.  It's not how long you live but how you lived in the time you were given that really does count.

I'd like to be remembered, by at least some, with a smile and a nod as they think over their memories. 

It's a bright time of the year and it's also a dark time of the year.  The longest night of the year is on the 21st.  Some churches conduct a service so that parishioners can mark the passing of a loved one by lighting a candle in the service.  It's a good contemplative service.

Advent means the coming.  Coming. .. the coming of life and the snuffing out of life ... the circle of life is never ending.

It's about how we live our lives now that really count.  We live our lives now and do what we can to help people to be happy, safe, secure and settled.

Live now to plan for the long term.

How am I living?  How are you living?
Have a great weekend.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday Musings

This is what I see from the end of my driveway.

This field had liquid manure spread on it about a week ago.  We had a couple days of rain in the meantime.  It's looking great.

This farm is in a small community several miles away from us.  It was a bright and beautiful day and so clear to see so far away.

You have to work the land while the weather is good.  Today was a great day for hauling liquid manure.

Local bird sanctuary is an important part of the town in which it exists.

Monday was a great day even though I forgot all about an eye appointment that had been scheduled for a year.  I remembered on Thursday that it was coming up but totally forgot on THE day. 

We got our Christmas tree and our turkeys for the two Christmas dinners that I prepare.

Monday was good.  It was very good indeed.

Here`s to your Monday! How was it good for you?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday Happenings

Thursday already.  It was really downhill from Tuesday morning.  NO more perfect mornings where everything fell into place and everyone was pleasant.  O well.... I'll dream for the next time things go so very well for us here in the morning.

Yesterday it was grey and it rained.  I tried to catch the rain drops in this mud puddle at the end of the driveway.... didn't quite work.

The farm across the road fertilized the field on Sunday (I believe) and it sure was put on thick.  Really thick and dark and really strong.  But I know what they say about the smell - it's the smell of money! I've been told by one in the KNOW.

Today it rained and the wind blew.  There was some damage from falling debris in downtown Dartmouth and the streets were closed.  The Confederation Bridge to PEI was restricted to smaller vehicles and excluded the 18 wheelers and motorcycles.  

The news even showed how difficult it was for the ferry on the Halifax Harbour to maneuver its way across.

It was not a nice day weather wise.  I stayed home and cleaned the TV room.  It was truly a mess.  I must say that I am discouraged from cleaning it because husband allows child to eat there anytime against my specific wishes.

I hate being undermined in the discipline of my child by the other half.  It does not help anything. (And, oh, did I just complain for the first time about my other half??? O dear....)

The week is almost over and Christmas is coming.  I have lots to do.  I will get to it very soon.

How has your week been so far?  

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

An Above Par Tuesday

The radio meteorologist just informed me that yesterday's temperatures of +14 degrees here where I live broke national records.  That's great!!  That's definitely above par! I'm lovin' this weather.

This morning was above par.  I'd even say it was a hole in one.  The little 3.7 footer was up and at it and happy all on her own.  No arguments; no growling; no resisting.  It was a pure delight for mama.

I think the secret is in the puddin':  Early to bed, early to rise really works.  She was in bed early and fell asleep about an hour later.  It was still before 8:15 !!! Hooray!!!  I loved the morning results of that discipline.

Then as we walked out the door and down the drive, I spotted my mother-in-law's tree all aglow with lights.  It looks really good.  After some tweaking and adjusting, it'll be above par, too.

The field across the road has the thickest layer of liquid cow manure that I've ever seen on it.  To some, that is the sweet smell of progress and production.  To others, not so much.  It definitely makes it above par, too, for the animals who will be using the pasture land next year.

So far my day has been way above par.  The dough is rising for the bread and will be baked this morning.  I am musing about making the cookie balls from the Kraft magazine.  They are simple and easy to make.  Maybe I'll share them later on.

Have a great day.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Who Are Mondays For Anyways???

It's nice when the house is all quiet and everyone is sound asleep.  It's nice to get rested up.  To sleep a little.

On the other hand, it's a knee jerking, blanket kicking, jumping up and out kind of morning when you realize you overslept by about 25 minutes.  AND things need to get done...

Like the little one has to wake out of her stupor and get into first gear at least without the usual fuss and delay.

Lunch made.

Little one awake; dressed; washed; downstairs; breakfasted; outdoor clothes on; and out the door before the bus comes rambling along.

Then it's time for mama to kick it into gear to run her errands into the big city.  What I wished is that it would have taken a total of three hours and not the several.  Travel time is all consuming gas wise and time wise. I sure wish time travel were a reality in these instances.

I must admit though, things were accomplished in anticipation of Christmas.  That makes me feel good.

Also, errands were ran with mother.  I love being with my mom.  She enjoys her own company and that of others.  I like that a lot.

I can't say I like the huge crowds and the endless streams of traffic and the waiting in traffic.  I love my country life any day of the week.

It's nice to come across old friends which we did today on two separate occasions for a total of three friends from the past.  It was the most pleasing event of the day.  I must include a relative that we ran into, too.  So nice to see people I haven't seen in ages.

On a different note, I read of the passing of the brother of a childhood friend of mine.  He passed away at age 52.  I was saddened to read this.

Immediately, I flashed back to over 40 years ago when we were all in elementary school together.  I haven't been in touch with my friend for at least 35 years and I know many things happen along the way, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of loss for something that is almost intangible to put into words.

I haven't been able to articulate it but I felt a real loss along with the family.  Maybe it was a loss of our childhoods or of our immortality.  Maybe it is the reality that we are all mortal and just passing through this life.  

I don't know exactly what it is.  But when I do I'll let you know.

Mondays aren't for sissys you know because you never know what you'll be facing.

How is your week so far??

Friday, December 2, 2011

Another Fab Friday

Don't you just love it when you roll out of bed - or jump out of bed, and start the day on the right foot - figuratively at least.

That's how it was for me today.  I went across the road and began decorating my mother-in-law's outdoor fir tree and we discussed what we will do for her veranda.

I then dropped more items off for the shopping spree at the school along with items for the basket.  Each class puts together a basket with a specific theme.  J.'s class is all about winter fun.  Tickets are $2 each or three for $5.

I even managed to drop some items off at a local church in town.

Then it was coffee and social time for a small group of us women.

Then I came home, and here I am doing the usual waiting for the bus and seeing some pretty neat things.

This young eagle flew along the road about 20 feet above me as I waited for the bus.  What a creature.  It was beautiful.

The day is almost over.  It's been good.  I'm looking forward to the weekend.  

It's beautiful and sunny and cool.

Have yourself a great day!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday's Musings

What a day already and it's only 8 am.

Getting the child out of bed and on the go each morning for school IS A CHORE for me.  She doesn't want to get out of bed.

It's so mild out there, it's hard to believe winter is on the way.

It's cloudy and a still a bit grey so far today.

I have tons of stuff to do.  Errands to town.  Gifts to wrap.  Errand to the school.  House cleaning!!!

Have a good day as you make your way through this Thursday.