Debbie's Reality

Debbie's Reality - Enjoy the musings and the thoughts of the day. Living happens within each moment.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

what a hot day

What a hot day it has been.

Jo had speech this morning and did really well.  She was cooperative and really trying.  She also spontaneously responded to Carla.  That was great to hear and see.

Barb came at 12:30.  They had a good hour of play.  Jo has learned so much in the last six months.  She tries with the puzzles even though they are hard for her to manipulate.  She took turns.  She was great.   She is also using more sounds and words.

It is very warm here today.  Summer temperatures.  

Sophie was out all night and came home with a gash on her right side.  I know she will need a vet to look at it.  It's bad and opened to her muscle.  Poor thing.  It was the only time she's been out all night and some night critter attacked her.  The poor thing!

Paul is not happy with her injury.  He will pay a vet to get her better.  He really likes that cat.

Carla had a form for me for an all day work shop with Jill Hicks.  It's scheduled for 6 Nov and will cost a couple hundred dollars.  I am planning to take it as I believe it will help me teach Johanna to talk.  That is my most important goal for her.  I want her to talk so that people understand her and so that she is understood.
Pole walking was hard today.  The wind was blowing really hard and it made my walking really difficult.  I was tired out at the end of it.

I had the two girls.  They were pretty quiet.  They watched Toy Story 3 and at 3:30 K's mom came to get it.  That was a nice surprise for all of us.

Holy Cow

What a night!!!  JO had a mid afternoon nap unbeknown to mommy and as a result was awake until after 1 am.  She came into my room and slept with me.... o pain.

She WON'T BE doing this tonight.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Too Tired

Too tired to write much.

Speech was cancelled this morning.  We went to Dartmouth and met up with Nanny B.  We went to Spring Garden Place Mall to My Mother's Bloomers and I used $30 of the gift certificate.  I bought a bunch of freshly cut flowers for Oma.

She couldn't believe they were for her.  What a woman. They were from Johanna.

I very rarely take Johanna with me to the city  because she is too busy and she definitely does not listen to me when I speak to her.  We were at Happy Harry's looking at wall paper.  She and I ended up in the van because she refused to stay with me and to listen to me.

At the Golden Arches today, she went outside with us. We were standing a part from her.  She pushed the automatic door button.  The door opened.  She stepped out.  She stayed planted.  I told her to move before the door shut on her.   Sure enough it did and the handle clunked her on the back of the head.  She didn't cry but it hurt.  

I didn't feel sorry for her because I tried to tell her.  I think natural consequences are sometimes the better teacher.

We had lunch at the McDonald's just off the Dartmouth  MacDonald bridge.  We met Amber Munroe there.  She is Bobbie's granddaughter.  She is 17 years old.  She works there.  I suppose part time.

She is very pretty.  Bobby had just dropped her off.  We missed him because we were inside.

Johanna had a full day.  She is upstairs in her own bed asleep.

Jo and I dropped in on Roy for a half hour.  He is wanting to go to Community College.  I had a serious talk to him about his finances.  I don't know what has sunk in.  Probably nothing.  He is too busy spending money he doesn't have and not saving money he has. 

I hope he soon realizes the importance of putting away for a rainy day, and I hope he realizes the value of hard, honest work.  I also hope he realizes the importance of perseverance and patience and keeping your mouth closed at the right time.

Joanne and I mused about 'organic' tonight while we visited at the farm.  Peter came in and gave us two potatoes out of his garden.  They are definitely organic.  Joanne and I smiled when he came in with the potates because we had just finished musing.

Good night to the lonely traveller out there in cyber space.

Monday, September 27, 2010

It doesn't matter

It doesn't matter what I say or think, everyday is indeed different from the last.

Kaylee was here at 7:18 or so.  She and I chatted.  She doesn't eat the crust on her bread and she wastes food just a little.

She helped me to get Jo out of my bed and going.  Jo was sleepy this morning.

I read a story to them about Dora the Explorer before we got our shoes and jackets for play school.  I got them there before 9:30 am  It seems to take time to actually get them from the house to the van.  Usually about ten minutes from the time I say we are going.

I took my morning walk.  I did it in 40 minutes.  I think last week it was averaging about 45-50 minutes.  I see an improvement already in the time.

I am not as sore as I was last week.  The legs are not so bad and I am not nearly as stiff as I was on Saturday.  Hallelujah!!!

Jo had some sort of spill in the TV room and hurt her leg.  She cried and cried.  I think though it was because she was also very tired.  It was so hard to find out the story.  Kaylee didn't seem to know anything and poor JO couldn't tell me.  I think I understand from her that she hit her leg on the coffee table or it was pushed against or squeezed against it. I don't know the context of the hurt though. 

That bothers me because what is she to do when kids hurt her at school.  How will she tell us who it was that hurt her.  Or when she hurts herself how is she to tell us exactly what happened.  I get scared thinking about it.

I was a half hour later than I wanted to be getting her showered and to her OWN bed.  She thought she was going to be in my bed again tonight.  Fooled her by turning out all the lights and putting her in darkness.  That did it for her.  She was in her own room in no time.

She was wanting her soother but I am delaying getting it to her.  I am hoping she will go to sleep without it tonight.  It really will do damage to her teeth.  I wish my dear thick-headed husband would get that information to his pea-sized brain.  :D

Mom and I are meeting up tomorrow morning and we will spend most of the day together.  I am looking forward to it.  I will have my dear girl Jo with me, too, so that will be a treat for Ya-Ya and Jo-girl.

I hope to see Roy, too.  He is working part time for Shoppers Drug Mart on the corner of Victoria Road and  Albro Lake Road.  I hope this one works out for him.  He said he is going to look for a second part time job.  

Part time jobs are not what they are cracked up to be for people who need to make a living in order to live.  Rent, car payments, car insurance, food, entertainment, clothes, credit card payments, cell phones, desktop with internet, itunes, etc etc all take money and a fair amount of money.  I guess it depends on the standard of living to which one becomes accustomed.

Zackery Dewolfe is getting chemo treatments for Hodgins Lymphoma in his throat area.  He's only twelve years old.  It's a real shame.  My thoughts have been with him ever since I found out a week ago.  I will say a prayer or two for him, too.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Holy Sabbath

Holy Cow I'm feeling very good at the moment.  I have since about 3:30 this afternoon.  I'm not stiff.  I'm not achy.  I'm feeling pretty good.  What in the world is going on???  I was feeling miserable yesterday.  If I didn't know any better I'd say yesterday I was on the menses.  But I wasn't.  This afternoon and right now it's totally different.

I can go up and down the stairs really spry without stiffness or pain.

My heels are bothering me a bit right now but not like yesterday.

Jo is in bed but not asleep.  Her father bought her a soother because she's been wanting one to suck on for the last six months so he says.

I prefer SHE NOT BE GIVEN it, but I'm at a loss.  Paul likes to get his own way even in the stupidest of things.  The soother is one of the stupidest things.  Jo lives well without it.  She doesn't need it.  It also makes her teeth crooked.  Her two lower front ones are as a result of earlier sucking on it.

Damn the man!!!

I am feeling more energetic and more mentally alert.  I was so impatient yesterday and things bothered me, i.e. got on my nerves.

Tonight I think I could conquer anything I set my mind to do.  What a change.  I wish it would last but I know it won't.

Life is not like that.  I no longer depend on good days every day.

It must be horrible for those who live with chronic pain and discomfort.  I have trouble getting my head around managing such pain.  I know yesterday I was sick of being sore and stiff and not feeling good.

I hope I can find a solution to my aches and pains.  I wish I knew what did it for me today.

I am wearing a magnetic bracelet but surely that wouldn't be making this difference in me tonight.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Even today is different

Even within the sameness, it's different.  Today was no exception.

Jo loved S.M.I.L.E. (Sensory Motor Independent Leadership Experience).  They have a student from Acadia who works one on one with them.  The went to the gym and did group things and then for the last hour she was in the pool and SHE LOVED IT.  I am so proud of her that she has found something she really likes.

Nicole, the student leader, was great with her.

Also, throughout today I have been very aware of my physical body.  Note to self: I don't think that what is happening is normal.  I have constant stiffness in my lower limbs from my heels up to and including my calves.  My two hips were bothering me today.  My lips had tremors through them off and on today.  This started yesterday.  I feel like my body is breaking down and I don't know what's going to be left.  I think it won't be good.

I plan to call for a doctor's appointment on Monday.  I felt awful all day.  I was in bed by 8 with JO who was watching her Treehouse.  I could have fallen asleep but she was moving about and putting her feet into my back.  

Then Paul came home, she heard the tractor and that was the end of any sleep time.  Right now she's in the TV room eating and watching her Treehouse again.

I need to find out what's wrong with me.  I've been getting this stiffness in my body for over two years now and it's not getting better.  It's there and I think it's getting worst.

I was cranky too today.  I think it's because I still feel sluggish and can barely get up and down stairs which I had to climb today to get out of the pool area.  What a pain the neck for those with disabilities and other problems.

The important thing is that JO loved her experience.  It freed me up to do things.  I was at a loss so took a walkabout to the Farmer's Market to get Just Us coffee and also to tbs just to window shop.

I took in the rummage sale, too.  I bought a hat that was  supposed to be 50 cents.  It cost me 2.50 in the end.  The poor lady at the table taking the money just did not understand that she owed me a dollar.  I made a comment and then she took another dollar from me.  I promise next time I will have small change.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Another day just about done.  Life is busier this year than last.  Johanna is busy every morning of the week in some activity somewhere.  Since I am her mom and primary caregiver,  my mornings are thus filled too.  I also have Kaylee here.  That adds to the responsibility.

Jo loves to splash cold water on herself when she takes her shower before she gets out of the bath tub.

I have run a number of errands this week too.  It's been busy and tomorrow is not much better.  I have the rummage to take to the church, my urban poling walk, maybe some cleaning in the house and maybe even a snooze.

We'll soon see.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What a Busy Day

What a day.  Kaylee at 7:15 am.  Jo up by 8:03 am.  Play school at 9:30 am.  Did a half hour of Nordic Poling - feeling it tonight.  Ran errands for 40 minutes.  Enjoyed a cup of Licorice lemon tea with Bernadine.  At 12:15 pm I was mashing eggs to turn into egg salad for the girls' lunch.  Pick up at 12:30 pm.

And the day did not stop there.

They played here in the house for a little bit.  Then we went out back where they chalked up the walk way with their silhouettes and they swung on the swings.

We had popcorn for a late afternoon snack and were just getting ready to read a book about Biscuit the dog when Kaylee's mom arrived.

They left and then came back because Kaylee had some kind of a conniption fit in the car.  She forgot to hug Jo good bye.  That done they left again.  We see her on Friday.

I fell asleep during the evening news at 6.  Woke up to see the finish of it and to watch Coronation Street.  It was good tonight.  

Now I am waiting for Jo to finish with her cheese and crackers which I know she has already so I can get her upstairs for her evening bath and good night.

I wonder how it is going to go... lol.

Tonight is the premier of The Tudors.  It's wife number five tonight with Catherine Howard.  Poor woman lost her head too.  That Henry was something else.

Fascinating but something else.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I am so glad

Well, the work involved in helping a five year old achieve her potential is sometimes overwhelming and frustrating particularly when that five year old is living with Down Syndrome.

The sweet little girl that she is doesn't know and  doesn't care at this stage that she has been living with Down Syndrome.  She enjoys her life and she learns to do things as she is able.

She compensates so very well with sign language and trying to verbalize the words that it is truly endearing to me as her mom.

We went to speech as usual for 9:30 this morning.  Jo did really well and is saying more during the sessions. Right now, the expectation is to get her to verbalize and when deemed necessary to encourage her to pronounce the word as correctly as possible.  Herein lies the challenge.  When my little girl gets tired of trying to be perfect, she shuts down and will not participate.

The key has been to keep it simple and to keep it playful with activities that she likes.  This morning we spent a half hour on 'Help me' with a ball that lights up when you bang it really hard on the table top.  She had to say help me so that Carla would bang the ball on the table for it to light up.  By the end of the activity she was spontaneously saying it because she liked the activity A LOT.

We went to the Rotary Park in Wolfville for an hour.  She climbs on the playground equipment really well.  She runs pretty good, too.

Her play school teacher dropped by with information about SMILE.  We talked a little about the bureaucracy with the provincial Department of Community Services in maintaining a preschool/play school.  We also looked over the form we have to fill in for the referral to occupational therapy for Johanna.

Paperwork, paperwork paperwork.  Need I say more.

Her dad is busy cutting haulage this afternoon.  It's been a sunny day but the wind sure has been blowing hard.  He wants to get it in while he can.  The weather has been very changeable lately.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What a Time

Paul and I went to Glen's wedding last night at the Ramada Inn.  It was a lovely affair with the ceremony and the reception held under the one roof.  We stayed overnight.  The meal was three course and it was delicious with the lobster bisque then the main course of pork loin, sweet potato and vegetables followed by Baked Alaskan.  It was good!!!

We had a great breakfast at the restaurant this morning.  It was included in the price of the room.  It, too was delicious.

But my main reason for blogging is that our little girl, aged 5 and a few months, did not mind us going.  Bev and Cassie stayed at home with her and she was great.  She missed us at bedtime and this morning for just a little bit.

It made my heart glad to know this.  She has changed so much emotionally, physically and even intellectually.  It does my heart good to see this growth in her.

She was happy to see us but not overly clingy; just happy to see us.

I am proud of my girl.

Tomorrow we are back into the routine.  Kaylee comes as usual.

I am so tired right now.  I know it will be an early night for me and Jo for sure.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thinking of Being ... Rash

If I were younger, I just might do something about the way I'm feeling.  Something rash.  Something some would say was stupid.  But I'D DO SOMETHING.  Conviction needs feet that move.

But instead, because I'm tired and because my feet hurt and my lower back is aching, I am having a rum and coke.  Not bad for week old coke.  I am hoping it will numb the mind, but instead I feel real alert.  My mind feels like it's in drive.  I wish it would slow down and stop for awhile.

Instead, I weigh the options, and I play the waiting game.  Waiting is not always bad because the emotion always passes.  One thing I have discovered in these last dozen years or so is that waiting is good.  Waiting and moving within a certain space are okay.  Tough decisions don't have to be made all at once or in the heat of the moment or even in the middle of a glass of rum.

So, I'll do what I am good at, I wait.

I don't know what I will see though.

Only time and space will tell.

In the meantime, I drink my rum and coke and listen to my daughter upstairs respond to the tv show she is watching....  maybe Little Bear did something funny; or maybe she doesn't like what Franklin and his friends did.  Again, time and space, and I'm not in her time 
and space, even though she is in my space watching the tv.

I know 'better days ahead' as my grandfather Aubrey used to say from time to time.

He never seemed to let anything get him down and he bore his burden well whatever that might have been for he never said what troubled him or weighed him down.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I Love It When...

|I love it when...
hmmm.. let's see...

1.  I get the small things done.  I managed to pick up the desktop; vacuum the kitchen and area; tidy up JO's two drawers of clothes and I managed to get a shopping bag of clothes for the rummage sale at the end of the month; hand washed a load of dishes; watched the Urban Poling dvd - the poles came this morning - I'm so excited; and I also tidied the top of Jo's dresser.

2.  I love managing my time wisely.  I feel I used it very well this morning.

3.  I am putting together a list for Bev for Saturday and Sunday since she will be with Jo during that time.  Paul and I will be at my cousin's wedding.

4.  I put together a To-Do List from now til Saturday at 2 pm.

5.  I started a mini grocery list.

6.  I started knitting another pair of socks.

7.  I had my fresh cuppa Just Us light roast Rainforest Rhapsody.

8.  I love it when JO eats her supper.  Tonight she did not.  So it was off to bath and bed.  No stopping in mommy's room for a tv interlude.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another day another challenge seemingly got easier had

A rainy day and we were off for speech with Carla by 9 am.  Our appointment is for 9:30.  She was late finishing with her first client, a little boy who is blind.  I noticed he even had a white cane.

Jo did superbly.  I told her ahead of time that if she talks and says the words then she will have more time to play with the various activities.  I believe this is in part what sold her on having a really good session this morning.  She's even making the 'k' sound as in the end of the word 'clock'.  I am very pleased with these two weeks of intense sessions which happen twice on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

Carla is really good with her.  She knows kids.

I had my 9 am light roast from Just Us and their wonderful organic raisin chocolate chip cookie.  It's big enough to feed three people.. uhmmm maybe |I exaggerate.  But the coffee is great for me since I am cutting back and taking a good cup in the morning or very early afternoon.

From the afternoon to early evening I try to drink anywhere from 4 to 8 cups of water.  That works most of the time.

You know, being a stay at home mom has its quirks.  I decide the routine for the most part and I get to listen to CBC radio.  Jian is one of my favourite hosts.  

Jo and I did a mini walk in Wolfville.  I scouted out the two second hand stores - Theresa's Clothes Closet and a new one that opened literally around the corner.  They have more than clothes in them, and it's the other stuff that is surprising.  Theresa's had Stampin' Up stamps for sale at very good prices.  I am tempted but will wait.

I have managed to do a little of scrap booking and want to get into it again.   I have two major projects to get into for the coming year and so.  I am going to Croptober Fest in October and am looking forward to it.  I am planning to work on my sister's scrapbook.  It's for her 50th birthday in April 2011.

I am so looking forward to my walking poles for Nordic walking.  They are in transit from Vancouver Island.  I hope they get here this week.

I'm still in the market for a curio cabinet.  I still haven't found 'the one'.

I love this life.  Little stress.  Looking after home and family.  And making the effort to look after ME, too.

To top off this week, Paul and I will be attending my cousin's wedding on Saturday and it's a sleep over at the Ramada Inn in Burnside which is about 55 minutes from where we live here in Lower Wolfville-Grand Pre.

Monday, September 13, 2010

It was simple

I prepared spaghetti for supper.  It always goes over well with them.

Jo is in bed, howbeit, my bed, to watch a little Treehouse before traversing across the that great divide to her own little safe cove for the night.

Another good day.

Hmmmmmmmm... what to have

I find that having to decide each night what is for supper is a challenge.  I can not get my head around it even after all these years.  It would be nice to do something different and totally local.  I think I'm lazy.

Life is what happens in the moment

So much for yesterday's bliss.  In the meantime, my little one took the Windex and decided to 'clean'.  This meant she sprayed on the walls, the floor and this time on the laptop sitting in the computer room in its spot.  It was on which it is not usually.

I wiped but it still dripped.  I tried to see the screen but couldn't because it was blackened.

I unplugged and took the battery out so it could air dry. This morning it worked.  I heard the Hallelujah chorus.  I was relieved.

Jo received a 5 minute time out in her room and she went to bed early as a result.

The early to bed part worked out great.  I had the evening to myself for a change.  I am going to make this a routine.  We started at about 7 pm and she was in her own bed by 8:30.  I let her watch a little television since it was still light outside.

So, she was up by 7:30 and spent good play time with her little friend who comes to us three mornings a week until the afternoon.  Both girls are in play school.

It's great.  The sun is out.  Ohhh, I better get the wash on the line.

c ya.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Little of This and a Bit of That

Hey, What a day.  It's colder outside... ole man winter is on the way.  The sun is shining and it's windy.

Went to church this am with Jo.  We were at least 5 minutes late.  O well...

It was ok.  It's hard to be spiritual when I am shadowing and seeing to the needs of a busy 5 year old. 

She still won't become part of the little group even though she now sits at the table for snack and she did go explore in the nursery room when there were two other children there with a supervisor.

Progress is steady.... slow.... but steady.

She said 'grampy' to grampy last night when he would not change the channel to suit her viewing needs.  He was wonderfully surprised.

I believe my girl is going to talk one day and she is going to talk so that others will understand her clearly.  They will get her message.

Mom and Ken were here for the weekend.  They are always a big help.  Grampy whipper snipped and mowed this morning. He also put the patio furniture in the basement for me.  What a hard worker he is!

Mom and I chatted and erased pictures off her camera last night.  We looked at the photos I uploaded on the ACER so she got a great look at them.  After all, she is the author of them.  I just wanted them for my files too.

The day is almost half over.  That`s okay.  It`s been a good quiet day.  Football is coming from the TV room, Jo is upstairs watching her dvd of Little Bear, and I am here in front of the screen relaying my life on the lines of this cyber paper.  O what bliss!

We have an important family wedding next weekend.  A  cousin is getting married for the first time after 46 years.  I am happy for him and his bride.  We look forward to the event and to the party afterwards.

That`s been my Sunday so far.  

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Random Headaches, Random Thots

What a day.  Sure wish I could sleep through the night and get a good sleep so I can enjoy my day.  My headaches seem to be making a come-back.  Another one today for a couple of hours.  It lingers still as I type this blog.

I look out my back door and it is a lovely, seamless, cool, blue and white day.  The clothes are drying on the line with more wanting to join them.  Jo has been good all day.  She has chiefly entertained herself while I snoozed for a little bit.

Now I am up and at it, sitting here in front of this screen wondering what supper will be .... I am the chief cook and bottle washer after all.

I have random thoughts running through my head as I was hazily asleep and when I woke.  I wonder if these randoms have anything to do with sanity or insanity. I suppose it depends.  I wonder how long I must revisit the past and ask myself, "If only I had done it this way" what would life had been like for me.

Well, I suppose I better get the clothes in and put out the next line.  I know I must concretely visualize supper so that the others in this family will get fed.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

O What a Day...

You know what I love about life --- It's boring, it's simple, it's uncomplicated and IT'S MINE.  Life is sweet and not because of any great accomplishment or any specialness -- it JUST IS!

It was an ordinary day.  The sun was shining.  I was up by 8:30.  My 5 year old was awakened by 9:10 am.... it was time to do some of the ordinary things that we do.

I decided to wear my halter style long 'bohemian' type of dress.  Jo finally got dressed in her very pretty pink ruffled sleeveless dress with her pink sandals.  Us girls looked pretty.

We were 10 minutes late for church only because Jo was a late starter and took her good lookin' time.

She was good for the first 50 minutes and the last 10 minutes I had to keep a closer eye on her.  We stayed in the fireside room at the back of the church so as not to disturb or distract.  I shadow her mostly.  She did pretty good until the last few minutes.

We went to the church hall for a nutrition break --- grown ups call it a coffee break.  We enjoyed an apple juice and gluten free Hermit bars and a little piece of a chocolate brownie.  All thanks to Erin and Josh.

Erin owns and operates  'THE ROLLED OAT' in town.  She knows her food.

We came home and I did laundry which I hung out to dry.  I love that simple act of pinning the clothes on the line and watching the wind swing them to and fro.  |It was a great day for drying clothes outside.

Later, Paul came home from his church - he's a practicing Catholic.  Jo and I warm the pew, err, should I say the spaces, at the local United Church.

Then we relaxed for a bit.

We planted the four rogusa rose bushes out front.  In that very ordinary activity I found great satisfaction and contentment even though I told Paul that these bushes have lots of thorns on them and that they grow very big.  I think it was the act of mixing the soil, digging the holes and planting the roses that gave the contentment of soul.  Mind you, Paul did all of the work.  I helped by getting the plants to their destination and getting the little green cloth wheel barrel out along with the shovel.

We went for supper at a local restaurant.  They changed the menu and no longer had the item  I loved ordering.  Instead I ordered something that I could have easily made at home and I know within this heart of mine it would have tasted a whole lot better.

I was disappointed.  Jo didn't help either.  She squirmed and turned and scribbled on the table and not the paper place mat and squirmed and turned some more and made a mess with her food on the seat and a bit on the wall.  I forgot this happened somewhat similarly the last time and I vowed she would stay home the next.  So much for remembering and so much for vowing.

Then we drove home for a bathroom break --- all three of us when I thought I was good to go.... so much for that with a 52 year old bladder.

Then we took a drive.  We ended up at the Look Off.  It's provides a scenic look out over the valley of farms and farm land, Minas Basin and isle - that of Boot Island, and sky and landmarks like Marsh Crest silos and Curry's farm off in the distance over to North Grand Pre and Hortonville.


I was so thankful to be there seeing the wonder of  hard work and toil and realizing that it was by the good graces of nature or gawd herself that the hard work and toil were paying off.

What a wonderful wonderful world!

Jo by this time was getting tired.  So home we came and into the tub she went.  

Bathed, dressed and into bed she went by 9 pm.  Hallelujah!!  I know I heard the anthem ring out when she got to bed and I was able to come downstairs to cruise the internet and to start this blog.

Hmmm.... what an ordinary life it is.  HOW VERY thankful I am to be living such an ordinary life.

I thank my husband and my daughter for such a wonderful ordinary life.  I am grateful to be living IN the moment and to be looking at time differently than I ever have.

Life is sweet.