Debbie's Reality

Debbie's Reality - Enjoy the musings and the thoughts of the day. Living happens within each moment.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Marvels

What a beautiful sunny crisp morning.  I loved the walking I did this morning.  As I waited at an intersection, I heard this little critter up high in the tree.  Always evasive or I just might be too slow with an inadequate lens to do the little fella justice.

What a wait to be greeted on such a beautiful Maritime morning.

Have a great productive good week everyone. Welcome to the new year of 2012.  May you find all the good things that make you who you are within and without.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Birthdays are Great

It's the morning after a wonderful night out.  We went to a relative's 50th birthday party.  It was so nice to be out with my husband and socializing with family and friends.  It was so good to see everyone again especially my nieces and nephews so soon after Boxing Day.

I am truly blessed.  I realize I cannot take time for granted.  It's with me right now and I could be gone before too long.

What I mean is that I must enjoy being IN the moment.  I must take hold of what I already have and enjoy it to the fullest.

It was a late night as we lived over an hour away from the event.  Our little one stayed up until midnight waiting for us.  Our child is only 6 years old.  What a child!!

Congratulations to the birthday boy.  Have many more.

Thank you to a great family who is there and who loves well.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I decided that I would make resolutions this year.  That meant that I would not verbalize or share them with anyone and that I would not write about them.

I think I was resolving to do do something this year.  Do something to improve myself so that I could say I worked on something in this year.

In the meantime, I found a blog that might interest you.  It's and also

In summary, here's what I took from her blog.

I assure you it looks much better on her blog.

Let's Do This ... 2012 ...

One word: ___________________

Want: What I really want in 2012 is:

Need: What I really need in 2012 is:

Share: What I will share in 2012 is:

Succeed: In 2012, I will succeed at:

That sounds like a simple concise way of putting into words what I believe I'd like to accomplish this coming year.

I'm going to write it out using paper and pen, and then maybe I just might share with you.

It started out as a beautiful, cool day.  Now at 4 p.m. it's cold and grey.  I think maybe we'll be getting foul weather soon.

Have yourself a great  Tuesday.  Don't think too hard about your resolves.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

New Year Challenge for 2012

I woke up determined to make a change in my life.

I went to the basement three times today to walk on the treadmill and pedal on the bicycle.  I am out of shape.  It is time for me to do this FOR ME!!!

I have also watched my intake of food today.  I am on my third glass of water and am snacking on celery.

The turkey sandwich I shared with husband filled the hunger gnawing.  Now the water and celery will fill up the rest.

Turkey soup is cooking in the pot.  It will be ready very soon.

This new year holds a lot of promise.  I want to make it count in a good way for me.

I expect my entire family will reap the benefits.

It's time to get the smaller me back.  I hereby promise to blog regularly about my progress and challenges.