Debbie's Reality

Debbie's Reality - Enjoy the musings and the thoughts of the day. Living happens within each moment.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Time Flies , Flies, Flies

Time sure does fly.  Here it is the end of the month of October.  Life has been busy.

Jo has been busy with a seven day schedule: Play school, speech therapy, S.M.I.L.E. and church!!!  It's a busy schedule.

I sure wish my energy was up.  I know what I have to do to get it back.  Walk and walk and walk.  Eat nutritionally.


But difficult at the same time.

Paul and I and Jo of course went out yesterday and I finally came home with a new cell phone.  It's great so far even tho I don't get many calls or texts.

I'm glad I have it though.

Jo is wide awake at 9:22 pm and relocated to our bed and is watching TREE HOUSE... she is busy tomorrow morning first thing with S.M.I.L.E.  We'll see.

We got our flu shots yesterday.  Jo didn't know what hit her until she felt it and then she moved.  Her arm is a bit sore as a result.  My arm is sore anyway.

She had a headache this morning in play school.  I went to play school to build eatable spiders.  The kids liked it.

Jo was feeling better by the end of the morning.  She was fine for the rest of the day actually.

That girls eats a lot throughout the day.  I'm glad she is healthy.

Halloween weekend.  What a busy schedule she has.  Costumes tomorrow for S.M.I.L.E. and then Sunday morning as a Bible character and then Sunday night for the trick or treating.  Life is full.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wednesday morning

I should say THIS WEDNESDAY MORNING has hit me square in the face.  Jo had us both awake at about 4:30.  She needed a bathroom break and then she slept with us.  She slept and I barely slept.  

I barely got out of bed by 8 am.  The alarm is set for 7:30 and I am usually awake a little before.

We were tired and crabby with each other this morning.

I didn't get the blood rushing to my head until I bent over to get Jo`s outdoor shoes off and her indoor shoes on.  It felt good.  I was alert enough then to go get a coffee.

I am here now almost sipping it... at least drinking it slowly... it has a bitter `wake me up`taste this morning.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another Day

Time flies.  It is a beautiful morning here.  It is mild and calm.

I have a load of clothes out on the line already.  It is 8:25 am.  I am waiting to get the second load out there.  Anytime now.

Jo is up but not at it.  She has been out of sorts since last night.  I do not know if she is tired or if she is not feeling good.

Sophie is coming along really great.  She was out for a little this morning with me when I took the garbage and recyclables to the curb.  She bounds around.

Her cut still bleeds a little.

Paul is almost out the door for the day.

I have an open morning just in case Johanna ends up staying home from play school.  Time will tell in the next 20 minutes or so.

Friday, October 1, 2010

WOW -ee!!

Here it is October 1st and it was 27 degrees Celsius and humid and very windy.  Mom thinks it is a sign of things to come.  It could very well become the new normal.

The girls were hot and sweaty.  We went for an ice cream at Hennigar's today.  It was not my first choice as their ice cream is expensive.

The girls liked it though.

I am tired.  The girls can be high maintenance.  Kaylee had two spills of milk and then juice within 10 minutes of each other.  Later, outside, Jo was spitting or what sounded like it, so I had to give her a 5 minute time out when she wouldn't stop doing it.

On top of that, I had to see to Sophie.  She went to the vet.  They put her under and sutured her.  She has quite the wound.  Now I have to make sure she stays in the house and gets meds two times a day.  The poor thing is lucky she survived this attack.

We don't know if it could have been a skunk, a raccoon, or even an eagle.  The poor thing.  I have to make sure she is in the house at night.  Paul reminded me that there are coyotes in the back of the house.  They go to the gully to search out food stuffs then move on to their next locale.

I am not sure I like the coyotes so close.  When he was in the field this summer with the plow, he saw a coyote in the field about 150 feet from the back yard savaging for food as he cut the crop.

When Peter was harvesting silage on the east end, there were four coyotes around the plow trying to get the mice and whatever else.  It made the hairs on the back of Peter's neck stand up on end.  Seeing four is quite a lot.

I don't trust these animals.  I think about the number of people who walk or run or bicycle the dyke on a regular basis.

As long as they stay away from my back yard and patio and from what is mine, I will be fine and so will they.

Sophie was hungry when she got home at 4 pm.

Johanna is tired.  She just got to bed at 9 pm.  She has a busier schedule this year.  I am glad that she does.

She was up at 7:15 am and opened the door for Ian and Kaylee.