Debbie's Reality

Debbie's Reality - Enjoy the musings and the thoughts of the day. Living happens within each moment.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday... supposed to be Wordless... hmmm....

This week has been quiet. Uneventful except for ....

our deep freeze.  I know that -20 degrees is nothing compared to out west.  But some of us are not used to it here in my part of the world.

and I had a visitor in a tree out front yesterday.  S/he was beautiful.  Here's a view.

What beautiful sight!!!  So big. So marvelous. I felt honoured to be so close; about 35 feet away.

Moment of happiness today was when my 7 and I read for a while in the living room.  I always enjoy this time.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday Already!

Where is that precious time flying to!!!

I took my walk this morning on the snow covered roads. Moved slower and so I didn't walk as far.  But the time was still the same.

My thoughts are with the Official Reece's Rainbow Facebook Group again this evening.  What a challenge it is to reach out through international adoption. So many hurdles and bumps to overcome in gaining their forever child.

My thoughts are with them . . . 
what to do . . . 
what to do . . .

What can I do here from Canada?  That's been the question on my mind and in my heart.

Each child is so very precious.  Each child needs to know s/he is loved by someone - a family.

What to do . . .

Locally, I hope to sponsor a mom who is planning to raise $10,000 and shave her head for the Canadian Childhood Cancer Foundation.  It will be a small amount in comparison to her goal.  I think though all the little ones add up to pretty big ones sometimes.

Moment of happiness today was making a dent in the clutter in this computer room of mine.  Recycled, threw out, packed up, relocated, thinned out somewhat.  The job has begun.  I love it when spring cleaning comes early.  The job gets done quicker.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Never Wordless Wednesday (Here)


Half day at school.

Baked cookies and then painted them with 7yo.

Moment of happiness for me today was enjoying this time with my sweet, sweet child!

Glad to be inside with this snow and the road accidents happening throughout the region.

Walked for third time this week outside.  Have to transverse three hills going and coming. Legs all the way up back are sore.  I take this as a good sign.  It is wonderful to be incorporating walking into my daily living. Another moment of happiness!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday Tune

It was another quiet day.

I walked outside for an hour.  Basically a straight line with hills and a few curves.  It's good for the cardio.  Good for the joints.  I'm glad I'm making it a priority in my life.  115 days.

So mild today.  It will end tomorrow with 5 cm of snow in the afternoon.  Most of the snow is gone but it will be back soon enough.  It is January after all.

7 is pure joy. I love that child.

My heart ponders the the facebook group Official Reece's Rainbow Facebook Group.  They have a website, too.  It's a group that works towards adopting children from eastern Europe, Russia and China.  These children usually have physical or mental disabilities.  A lot of children with Down Syndrome are put up for international adoption.  

My heart is touched with sadness and contemplation about the plight of these children.  I wonder how I can help.

Moment of happiness today was while I was on my walk.  I am so glad that I am physically able to walk for an hour.  It is so good for the psyche and for the physical body. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday's Musing

Folks, I've said I lead a pretty quiet, ordinary life. And I do.

I took a 60 minute walk this morning.  It was mild enough.  Almost springlike weather.  It was a great break from the treadmill routine.

I ran errands.

I cooked supper.

I picked up 7 from bus.

I tidied up from supper.

I got 7 all nice and clean and ready for bed.  A half hour later, 7 is still awake and talking out loud while reading.

DH is at work.

Boarder out.

And, I'm here trying to keep this ordinary blog from fading into the mists of memory a second time.

My moment of happiness today was when I saw my 7's sweet, sweet face and happy smile!! I do love that child to pieces!!!

Good night all.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Sermon

Today, it was quiet and relaxing. We didn't do much. It was DH's day off. We went out for supper to Swiss Chalet with a gift card given to us by a much loved one at Christmas.

It was lovely.  I had my first panini.  It was good.  I will try it again.

7 was hungry and ate almost all of the meal.  DH, too, enjoyed the his meal.  It was good to get out for a social.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday Night Musings 
(as I rethink blogging again)

Here it is Saturday night 12 January 2013.  It's been a while since I blogged.  I felt I had nothing significant to say since my life is so very ordinary.  Who would want to read it anyway?

It's a new year.  2013.  Another year done and another one starting.

My 7 year old is in the other room talking and having fun. DH is watching a little TV before going back to work.

Me, I'm here in front of this computer.  I am having computer woes today.  I think it's time for a tune up.

I could talk about my hopes for this year.  They would be the same for any previous year of my life.

I could natter about my ordinary life.  I feel like there hasn't been a lot of things going on in the last several months.

7 had a wonderful birthday.  We see to that.  She spent her birth day at the local parade and eating out and opening gifts.

Summer came and we entertained family from away.  That was a welcome event.  Too long between visits.

Fall came and we started back into school routines and activities.  It has been flying by.  Faster than I thought it would.

Christmas was wonderful.  Family, friends, food, busy times with decorating, preparing, baking, cleaning, tidying, dusting (and there was a lot of it).  I love Christmas.

Now, we're into a new year where the routines and the seasons will be similar.  I like life like that.

I know change is coming though.  I only half heartily look forward to it.  Some of it will be happy and others of it could be sad.

Today, we went shopping at the local Zellers which is liquidating.  It's the passing of an era.  Found size 1 Hannah Montana skates in PURPLE for 7.  I am hoping 7 learns to skate in them.  I am really hoping.  I promise to keep you posted on that.

That's it for me for now.  Oh, I've been walking since September. Everyday for 55 minutes.  I like walking outside but have been on the treadmill for a month now.  I got used to it and find that my right foot is no longer swelled.  It's good for the health of my bones and joints and mental health.  I am so glad I began.  It's still being ingrained as part of my usual day.  Other benefits have been increased energy and a bit of weight loss.  That makes me happy.  I need to be in shape for 7.

Good night.