Debbie's Reality

Debbie's Reality - Enjoy the musings and the thoughts of the day. Living happens within each moment.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thirsting for Justice

I must admit that I have shed tears over the last two or three weeks whenever I think of the children who are abandoned, neglected, abused, left as orphans. 

We're told to look after the widow and the orphan (James 1:27) and to keep ourselves from being polluted by the world in the process.

I suppose we could become corrupted and skewed in this work of looking after the widow and the orphan.  It is not a work for the faint hearted.  It is difficult work and hard work.  It takes dedication and commitment.  It takes your energy and your time along with your money and your possessions. 

In the process you learn a little about self sacrifice; about sharing; about what is important; about what really counts to make it all worth it.

I think the thing for me is that to love and to be loved are indeed the greatest things I will experience while I live here on earth.  We get one kick at the can and it's got to be a good kick; a good dose of loving and of being loved.

My heart has ached when I see the pictures and get an impression of the circumstances of the children and youth.

I saw quite by accident and quite randomly today a video of a documentary about the Children of Leningradsky - Part 1/3 HQ who live at the train station in Moscow.  I cried again.

I cannot believe a community of people would allow this neglect and abuse to be so rampant in their very midst.  I shook my head and cried at the thought of the way these children survive in a world that ignores them and hates them for being who they are.  Yet they are who they are because of their community, their nation.  I hung my head and cried.

So, once I get over my tears that come unannounced on some days, I will do what I can to help someone somewhere to know better circumstances and to know that people cared for them and genuinely loved them; and wished them well.

A small drop in the bucket when I realize that on YouTube you can access just about any video of orphaned children from anywhere in the world.  The task of social justice is a big one. 

But it only takes one to change the world.  It only takes one to make a difference.  Are you that one????

Happy Thursday!

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