Debbie's Reality

Debbie's Reality - Enjoy the musings and the thoughts of the day. Living happens within each moment.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Backside of Somewhere

I took a walk almost immediately after the school bus left this morning.  

I grabbed my camera and a kleenex, and off I went.

I walked a loop around my community.  Half of it on dirt road and the other half on the shoulder of paved roads.

So, here's my walk along the backside of somewhere.

Walking along our driveway, I noticed the leaves have thinned out and have turned colour.

Our neighbour's vegetable/fruit stand has lots of pumpkins at discount prices.

One of three driveways on the nearest walking route that's close to home.

On the other side of the road is farmland.  The electric fence keeps the cows where they are supposed to be.

Raspberries still on the vine.

No dumping in a secluded area of this short dirt road.

Entering sacred land.  Sacred because it provides food for the animals that provide food for us.

The blacksmith's shop at the park.

This is the road I walked for about half of my excursion.

St. Charles Catholic Church is now used as a museum at the national historic site.

The road already taken, and  now the paved part of my walk begins.

The historic Grand Pre Dyke is part of this walk.

Another view of the park from the paved road.

Fifteen crows cawed and cawed as I walked by.  I decided they deserved a picture since they were the noisiest part of my jaunt.

The colours of the leaves are beautiful.  This morning we had dew and it was cool.  It was also a grey day and a good one for walking.

The red and yellows are beautiful.

The milking cows are out and grazing after a morning of milking.  They are beautiful critters and bother no one.

Home again and right back where I started.  It took me an hour and 20 minutes.  Usually it's a bit shorter than that but I tooks loads of pictures this morning.  Even more than is here.

How is your Monday so far today?  I must say that the walk was a good one and it helped to get the endorphins in gear.

Have a great Monday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures! I like that you live rurally, yet there is so much to see within your boundaries. Vegetable stands like that don't seem very popular in this part of SK - aren't those pumpkins lovely? Thanks for sharing.
