Debbie's Reality

Debbie's Reality - Enjoy the musings and the thoughts of the day. Living happens within each moment.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October In With the Rain

Another rainy day.  It's fairly mild though.  Went out for either a late lunch or a very early supper.... depends on how you look at it.

Back to the warm cozy home. 

J. loves to be home.  After eating the command was "Home".

Rainy days invite me to be lazy and to cozy up to something relaxing like a book or a good movie.

I am contemplating the advantages of having a Kobo ereader.  Any thoughts on that?

I know my sister-in-law has one and uses it a lot for her reading.  I might add that she is an avid reader.


  1. LOVE my Kobo reader! I mostly borrow books from the library on it and/or get the free books from Very handy to take with you, well, anywhere. Like the fact that I can change the font size to suit my, ahem, aging eyes. Would definitely replace it if it wore out.

  2. I'm mulling it over. I think I'll check into the library to see if they have any to borrow.
